
Ribeye steak

Have you ever tried something so delicious you can barely stand it…and something that you’re even more shocked that you actually made. This is one of those recipes. When you make this Ribeye steak , you’ll feel like you’ve died and gone to heaven.


2 pieces 1/4 pound, rib eye steak with bone
° kosher salt
° Freshly ground pepper
° 2 tablespoons canola oil
° 4 tablespoons unsalted butter
° 4 sprigs thyme
° 3 garlic cloves
° 1 sprig of rosemary


Step 1
Season the rib eye steaks with salt and freshly ground pepper. Leave the meat at room temperature for 30 minutes.
Step 2
In a large cast iron skillet, heat canola oil until shimmering. Add the steaks and cook over high heat until they flake off the bottom, about 5 minutes. Flip the steaks and add the butter, thyme, garlic, and rosemary to the skillet. Cook over high heat, brushing steaks with melted butter, garlic, and herbs, until steaks are medium-rare, 5 to 7 minutes. Transfer the steaks to a cutting board and let them rest for 10 minutes. We cut the meat off the bone, then cut the meat into slices and serve.

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