
Pecan Pie Cheesecake Recipe

Stuffed potatoes are always a treat, but this recipe takes the classic recipe to the next level! The recipe features shrimp and lobster, plus a creamy Cajun sauce made with brandy and sherry.
The leeks and green onions add tons of flavor, then there’s the cheese, garlic and more! There’s nothing not to love about this elegant seafood recipe, and you’ll be able to taste the Cajun inspiration behind it in every bite.
Lobster season is the perfect time to make these loaded potatoes, but honestly, they’re great any time of the year, so if you have frozen seafood, you can even thaw them and make them with anything what you have on hand. Any size of shrimp will work and any type of lobster or you can always throw in lobster or lobster if that’s what you prefer.
Loaded Potatoes may look more like a buffet than an elegant dinner party, but paired with gorgeous seafood and a wonderfully creamy sauce, this recipe is sure to be a hit.

               °2 cups crumbled graham crackers
               °½ cup packed light brown sugar
               °1 cup unsalted butter, melted
+pecan filling:
               °Half a cup of salted butter
               °1 tsp vanilla
               °2 egg
               °1 cup light corn syrup
               °1 cup granulated white sugar
               °1 1/2 cups chopped pecans
               °16 ounces of soft cream cheese
               °1 cup granulated sugar
               °Half a teaspoon of salt
               °1 tsp of flour
               °1 tablespoon of vanilla
               °3 eggs
               °Half a cup of sour cream
+Pecan Filling:
               °Half a cup of light brown sugar
               °Half a teaspoon of vanilla extract
               °Half a cup of heavy cream
               °1 cup chopped pecans
*How to make
the first step:
Preheat the oven to 325*
Line a 9 inch pan with parchment paper and spray lightly
Prepare the crust first
Press shell into prepared springform pan
Bring the crust partially to the sides of the pan
Place the mold and crust in the freezer to cool while you prepare the filling
The second step:
In a saucepan, melt the butter over low heat
Combine sugar, corn syrup, eggs, vanilla, and nuts (it’s best not to add eggs first, as you might end up with eggs for breakfast).
Stir constantly to keep the ingredients well blended.

Written by carmen waller

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