
Butternut Cookies


  • 1 (2 sticks) Cup.Of Soft unsalted butter.
  • 1/2 Cup.Of powdered sugar.
  • 2 Cups.Of all-purpose flour.
  • 1 Cup.Of finely chopped walnuts .
  • 1 Tsp.Of vanilla extract.
  • Pinch of salt.
  • Additional powdered sugar for rolling.

How To Make Butternut Cookies

In a mixing basin, blend together the butter and powdered sugar until light and airy. This phase integrates air into the dough to produce a tender consistency.

Infuse the dough with vanilla extract to impart its comforting aroma and flavor. Incorporate the all-purpose flour and a sprinkle of salt into the butter mixture in increments. The ingredients must be mixed until a dough forms.

Chop the walnuts or pecans very finely to impart a delicate texture to the cookies. Gently incorporate the coarsely minced almonds into the dough, distributing them uniformly throughout.

Form the dough into a ball and cover it with plastic wrap. Refrigerate the mixture for thirty minutes. Chilling the mixture makes it more manageable and prevents the cookies from expanding excessively during baking.

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